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Willard Tigers Athletics & Activities

Willard High School & Willard Middle School


Willard Tigers Athletics & Activities

Willard High School & Willard Middle School

Willard Tigers Athletics & Activities

Willard High School & Willard Middle School

Willard Tigers Athletics & Activities

Willard High School & Willard Middle School

Willard High School Boosters

Boosters Home.


The Willard Athletic Booster Club was created to provide funds to the athletic programs of Willard Middle School and Willard High School and to supplement school funding and increase school spirit. We are able to provide this support through the help of parents, area businesses, coaches, and our dedicated booster club members.

President - Jennifer Dixon
Vice  President - Faith Keithley
Secretary - Lindsey Inman
Treasurer - Alicia Rakestraw 

You can visit the Willard Athletic Booster Club's website here.



The Willard Band Boosters are an adult support group for the band program which encompasses grades 6-12. They meet the third Monday of each month planning fund raisers and organizing the multitude of committees that serve the band members. Please contact the band office at 417.742.5252 for more information. 

Willard Band Boosters Website 


Band Booster Presidents: Sherri Eldred and Jennifer Baird